About usexclusivity and comfort in your excursions to the Egadi Islands by boat
Choosing which operator to entrust your excursions to the Egadi Islands by boat is not an easy task.
Significa porre le vostre meritate vacanze in mano a sconosciuti, spesso improvvisati con barche non all’altezza della vacanza da sogno che vi eravate immaginati e che meritate di trascorrere nel modo più rilassato, comodo e spensierato possibile.
It means putting your well-deserved holidays in the hands of strangers, often improvised with boats not up to the dream holiday you had imagined and which you deserve to spend in the most relaxed, comfortable and carefree way possible.
After years of research and analysis to make our project unique, we decided to create EmotionSicily Exclusive Egadi Tour, the ideal service for renting fast dinghies with skipper, in which to make excursions to discover the Egadi Islands in comfortable and efficient dinghies, with exclusive, shared, day and even night formulas!
It is a brand designed and created to guarantee a high-profile service, whose main objective is to make live in person an unforgettable daily cruise in one of the most exclusive places of Sicily, the wonderful Egadi Islands, off the coast of Trapani.
To achieve this goal, it would not have been enough to have a type of elegant, refined, reliable and safe inflatables, but we have also been inspired by the attention to detail regarding style, shape, exclusivity, elegance, smile, kindness, competence and good taste which are the basis of high-profile tourist services.
Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, non sarebbe stato sufficiente avere una tipologia di gommoni eleganti, raffinati, affidabili e sicuri, ma ci siamo ispirati anche alla cura del particolare che riguarda lo stile, la forma, l’esclusività, l’eleganza, il sorriso, la gentilezza, la competenza e il buon gusto che sono alla base dei servizi turistici di alto profilo.
All inclusive services, attention to detail, meticulous attention to the needs and desires of our guests are our flagship.
Our city Trapani has always been linked to the history of navigation and the sea has always been an irresistible travel call, as irresistible are the tours we offer where everything is designed so that our guests can experience a special day to remember and tell over time.
We are waiting for you with a smile!
Team EmotionSicily.