1. Booking is confirmed at the moment of payment receipt.
2. If you choose “advanced payment and and balance” methods of payment, it must be extinguished within the use of the excursion itself.
3. Skipper will satisfy passengers needs as long as they will be retained reasonable and they will not cause damage to the boat or its passengers and if they are not illegal or considered unsafe by the skipper.
4. It is necessary to present yourself in the meeting place 15 minutes before the departure.
5. Tour program may be changed due to adverse meteorological or maritime conditions, for sailing or mooring needs or to major force. EmotionSicily will not responsible for it and so in these case refund will not be accepted.
6. Swimming in a cave is an optional. The captain will choose the most adeguate places for a safe swimming depending on meteorological conditions or mooring and sailing needs. His decisions must be considered unquestionable.
7. EmotionSicily promises to consign vehicles in perfect condition of efficiency and hygiene, equipped with all safety devices in accordance with current regulations.
8. Passengers undertake to communicate pre-emptively health problems, food allergies, specific medications or personal and indispensable communications for the correct development of a safe trip.
9. Passengers must pay attention to theirs personal belongings being responsible in the case of loss, damage or theft. Passengers are also responsible for boat damages, malicious and involuntary behaviors or everything contrary to captain instructions. Consequently, skipper and EmotionSicily are clearly harmless from and against civil liability, arising from the loss or deterioration of objects and personal belongings.
10. Tour participants decide to be part of it and they are conscious of dangers and risks they incur in a boat. In the case of accident, Skipper Captain and EmotionSicily are exonerated from any responsibility, excluding possibility to make them up or request compensation.
11. If passengers can’t swim or if they have any obstacles concerning this activity, they must inform the Captain and they must follow the requirements in order to protect his safety and integrity.
12. Passengers declare to be aware of trip and boat characteristic and they know the maximum number of persons can be on board.
13. EmotionSicily declare to have signed legal insurance.
14. It is possible to book an exclusive tour no later than 8:00 p.m. of the previous day. It is possibile to book a shared tour within an hour before it starts.
15. Passenger can communicate irregularity of the service both during its developing and by writing a mail to
16. Every controversy will be managed exclusively by “Foro di Trapani”.
17. All of dispositions, which are not disciplined in this contract, make reference to Italian Legislature.
18. Privacy: Datas supplied by passenger will be treated and kept by EmotionSicily only for purpose of accounting and contract, respecting the legal Code in the field of data protection in UE n. 2016/679
19. Subscription of the contract constitutes EmotionSicily consent to treat datas declaring to have been informed of all their rights pursuant to art.13 of the EU n. 2016/679.
1. It is possible to cancel your reservation for free no later than 7 days before tour.
2. Refund is not involved in the event that passengers arrive late at the appointment previously agreed.
3. Choosing non- refund tariff, payment will be not refund in any case.
For passengers and navigation protection, skipper may reserve the right to invite to leave the boat to those passengers who have dangerous, inadequate or incorrect conducts. It is absolutely forbidden on board:
1. Keeping behaviors that disturb or molest other passengers on board.
2. Sabotaging or misusing equipment on board.
3. Bearing arms or any type of ammunition during the tour.
4. Holding esplosive, corrosive or highly inflammable materials.
5. Dumping waste into the sea.